vrijdag 31 augustus 2012


Wie beweert dat haken en breien niet meer trendy en hip zijn, loopt mijlenver achter! Dit is toch het ultieme genieten: een gehaakte/gebreide speelplaats!

Niet alleen kinderen vinden dit leuk!

Ik vond het berichtje hier:
Japanese artist Toshiko Horiuchi-MacAdam is considered one of Japan's leading fiber artists, using knitting and crochet as the foundation for much of her work. Her website explains that she specializes in "creating large, interactive textile environments that function both as imaginative and vibrant explorations of color and form, at the same time as providing thrilling play environments." That is exactly what we see here at the Hakone Open Air Museum in Hakone, Japan.
The artist created this playground where children can interact with her art. Ordering her yarn supplies by the ton, Horiuchi-MacAdam works with a team to produce the massive structures. They build large sections of each playground, and then join the sections and test them onsite during installation. The design includes all kinds of vibrantly colored nets, swings, cushions, and pockets for children to play on and explore.
Horiuchi-MacAdam believes in bringing joy and laughter to children through these creative projects. She finds great pleasure in watching the soft fabric transform and come alive as the children stretch, climb, and swing on the materials. Her most treasured moments are hearing what she describes as the "undisguised delight of children exploring a new play space."

Een stuk leuker dan een ballenbak.... :-)

5 opmerkingen:

  1. ik moest nog even mijn ogen uitwrijven....wat gaaf zeg, nou uniek is ook is goede woord,
    lieve groet jenneke

  2. Wat bijzonder, wat leuk en WAT EEN WERK!!!!!
